Phase 01:
How to Look Your Professional Best :
Plan Your Career Wardrobe
A Basic Career Wardrobe
Lines for You
Dressing Don’ts
The finishing touches
Hints for Each Body Build
Career in Colors
The Finishing Touches
Confidence in your image:
Tips how to build the self-image
The common mistakes
Speak with confidence
Stands your personality

Phase 02:
Building & Understanding:
First Impressions
Grooming Strategies
How do your clothes work for you?
Clothes & Corporate Culture, Personal Props and Accessories for Men & Women
Color Strategies
Dress Speak:
Fashionable Or Foolish
Dress For Business, Not Pleasure
Dressing right
Do’s and Don’ts to survive the formal dress code.

Phase 03:
Presence, Awareness and Body Language:
Stance and power
Eye contact
Using your smile
Where to put your hands
Common faux pas when dealing in international arena
Importance & Learning of different: Gestures & Postures
Significance of Body Language
Bringing out your elegance & confidence with the right poise
How to work the room
What to talk about/ what not to talk about
What to do with rudeness

Phase 04:
How to enhance your features
10 steps Make-up
Hair, Dental Care
Clean Body
Lip Balm / Lip gloss
Dress Elegantly
Make use of Cologne / Perfume
Shine your Shoes
Body Shape:
Know your physical features
Understand own neckline & right necklace
Understand own color (Warm or Cool)
Choose the right clothing style
Well Proportion

Phase 05:
Hair Style:
What face shape are you
What kind of hair style suit you
Glasses & Sunglasses
Personal Hygiene:
Perspiration –Body Odor
Skin care
Identify skin type
Under the skin layers and its functions
Intrinsic & Extrinsic ageing

Phase 06:
Business Card Usage:
How to give your card
When to give your card
Asking for someone else’s card
Using business cards as calling cards.
When to ask for one/when to offer yours
Briefing on:
Voice Modulation
Building self-confidence & self esteem
Paying & receiving compliments
Small talk & Networking : Increase
valuable business relationship
Travel Etiquette
GroomX – Get a Makeover done both Physically and Mentally
Providing you the best of Softskills Training in Bangalore
Providing you the best of Leadership Training in Bangalore
Providing you the best of Communication Skills Training in Bangalore
Providing you the best of Presentation Skills Training
Best in class Personal Grooming Training in Bangalore